Friday, December 30, 2011

#99 The Horror of Party Beach (1964)

Notable cast: none

The Horror of Party Beach is an early 60s creature feature ripoff made famous by the legendary show "Mystery Science Theater 3000". Unfortunately the version I had to watch and review was the original version without the bots and whatnot. 

The plot is nearly non-existent: A group of skeletons laying in the bottom of the ocean get re-animated after an evil corporation (i presume, it's not explained in the movie) dumps toxic waste in the ocean.
Somehow the skeletons are turned into these frog-like rubber suits shown above, I think it has something to do with seaweed, or so the generic Dr. Gavin explains later in the movie, I don't know I forget shit like that. Before the creatures emerge from the ocean we are treated to a fight scene in the titular beach party, and it is awesome. Lazy punches are thrown, kicks miss by a mile and the main guy (I think) throws a guy or two judo style into the ground. The highlight of course is the way too complicated assisted jump / roundhouse kick our main man hilariously executes.

Can't believe this movie is on this list as it is filled with wooden acting, horrible dialogue and low budget creature effects, that all entertain more or less. Sure, it has no plot, the overall quality is as shitty as it gets, but still it has moderate amount of entertainment value. I can see how MST3K has ripped a new asshole to this one, it is an easy film to mock. But at least the film makers were trying, some effort was clearly put into the effects and the killings are fairly gruesome for its time.

 But make no mistake, this movie is shitty in every level. It is short but you still can't feel like not fast forwarding, especially the scenes with the monsters as they are so fucking poorly lit you can't see a thing. Wouldn't recommend this to anyone except maybe a horror movie buff who likes 50s & 60s B-movie horrors.
But as an added bonus it does have some cool 60s scenery, fashion and cars.
And product placement.

fuck GPS



  1. Hey, where did you find this movie? I am also embarking on this quest (as I have watched a couple dozen already) and I need to find this one!!!

  2. There's a DVD double feature with this one and some other shit movie, just search eBay, it's easy to find
